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Legfrissebb hírek

SIEF2023 16th Congress: Living Uncertainty

Durst Judit előadást tart "The moral economy of "flexploitation": Informal migration intermediaries and their role in transnational labour migration of the rural Hungarian working poor" címmel az International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF) 16., Living Uncertainty című, június 7-10. között Brnoban megrendezett kongresszusán. A "Dependence and Livelihood in times of uncertainty" című panelre ugyancsak Durst Judit, Pulay Gergely és Toma Stefánia (Nemzeti Kisebbségkutató Intézet, Kolozsvár) szervezésében kerül sor. Az esemény teljes programja elérhető ITT.

Populist radical-right governments in Central-Eastern Europe and education policy-making: a comparison of Hungary and Poland

A Journal of Contemporary European Studies folyóiratban (IF: 1,208) megjelent Neumann Eszter és Pawel Rudnicki közös tanulmánya, amely ITT érhető el, illetve Neumann Eszter kérésre tud szerzői példányt küldeni.

Abstract. In the European political landscape characterized by the strengthening influence of Eurosceptic, radical-right, and populist parties, Hungary and Poland represent insightful cases for understanding how the populist radical right uses its power in government and acts in full capacity to design education policies. From a systematic comparison of the education policy trajectories taken by Hungarian and Polish populist radical-right governments, we identified three characteristic patterns of populist radical-right education policy-making in the two countries: commitment to a conservative-nationalist agenda through comprehensive, systemic interventions, the implementation of Christian identitarianism through conceptualising public education as Christian upbringing, and finally, the gradual extremisation of the education agenda combined with the growing influence of transnational conservative knowledge transfer centred on the ‘gender wars’. We find that the boundary between far-right nativist and nationalist positions and Christian-conservative standpoints has faded away, and the two governments, which identify as Christian conservative, have increasingly mainstreamed far-right agendas.