Roundtable discussions on decentralization and minority participation rights in CEE and SEE



Roundtable discussions on decentralization and minority participation rights

in CEE and SEE

Faculty of Public Administration of the National University of Public Service (NUPS)
1118 Budapest, Ménesi út 5.

Minority Rights Summer School

Humánerõforrás-gazdálkodás a központi közigazgatásban ÁROP-2.2.5.-2008-0001

side event
(realised under OTKA No. 105432 research project)

9th of August 2013


  • Decentralization, regional administration and minority participation rights – European perspective – Balázs Vizi (professor associate, NUPS)


  • Ethnic based decentralization in Kosovo – Lars Burema (ECMI Kosovo)


  • The federal model in Bosnia-Herzegovina – is it a failure? - Edgár Dobos (PhD candidate, Budapest Corvinus University)


  • The Special Case of Vojvodina in Serbia – are there real federal perspectives? - lead discussant: Tamás Korhecz (Hungarian National Council, Serbia), discussant: Norbert Tóth (senior lecturer, NUPS)

10:30-11.00 Discussion

11:00-11:15 Coffee break


  • Romania: at the doorstep of a regional administrative reform – lead discussant: Zoltán Kántor (director, Research Institute for Hungarian Communities living Abroad), discussant: Levente Salat (professor, Babes-Bolyai University)


12:00-12:15 Conclusions