The Institute for Minority Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the European Centre for Minority Issues agree on a Memorandum of Understanding.


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The Populist Radical Right and Public Education

The new article by Eszter Neumann is now published in the Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century (Springer, 2023) and is available at HERE.

Abstract. The entry explores how the populist radical right governs education in countries where these parties formed governments in the fourth wave of populism. In broader, systemic issues, populist radical right education policies tend to follow neo-conservative and nationalist approaches and attach the narrow set of ideas prioritized by populist discourse to these frameworks. The populist radical right relies on religion as a source of political legitimacy and resacralizes schooling with the aim of imposing “traditional values” and the “traditional family” model on education. More recently, the transnationalization of radical conservative knowledge transfer influentially forms radical populist education agendas globally.

Minority Politics and International Relations: The Case of the Ukrainian−Hungarian Joint Commission on National Minorities

The new open access article by Csilla Fedinec is published in the recent issue of the Hungarian Journal of Minority Studies and is available at HERE.

Abstract: There are two levels of international relations: multilateral and bilateral. A specific version of bilateral treaties was the conclusion of the basic treaties in the period following the democratic change in Central and Eastern Europe, which, among other things, laid down mutual recognition of borders and the protection of minorities. On the basis of the Hungarian-Ukrainian Declaration on the rights of national minorities, which is stated in Article 17 of the Hungarian-Ukrainian Basic Treaty was established the Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Commission for National Minorities, whose activities are analysed in this study.

Ignaz Goldziher as a Jewish Orientalist. Traditional Learning, Critical Scholarship, and Personal Piety

The new monograph by Tamás Turán is now published by De Gruyter Press, as the Volume 55 in the series Europäisch-jüdische Studien – Beiträge. Further information is available at the publisher's website: HERE.

About this book: Ignaz Goldziher (1850-1921), one of the founders of modern Arabic and Islamic studies, was a Hungarian Jew and a Professor at the University of Budapest. A wunderkind who mastered Hebrew, Latin, Greek, Turkish, Persian, and Arabic as a teenager, his works reached international acclaim long before he was appointed professor in his native country. From his initial vision of Jewish religious modernization via the science of religion, his academic interests gradually shifted to Arabic-Islamic themes. Yet his early Jewish program remained encoded in his new scholarly pursuits. Islamic studies was a refuge for him from his grievances with the Jewish establishment; from local academic and social irritations he found comfort in his international network of colleagues. This intellectual and academic transformation is explored in the book in three dimensions – scholarship on religion, in religion (Judaism and Islam), and as religion – utilizing his diaries, correspondences and his little-known early Hungarian works.

Solidarity with asylum seekers. State, society and education in comparative perspective

Margit Feischmidt, Ildikó Zakariás, András Morauszki, Csilla Zsigmond and their co-authors will attend the hybrid workshop of the Karl Polanyi Research Centre of Global Social Studies on 3 April. Facebook event.

The title and abstract of their presentation: Solidarity with displaced people from Ukraine in Hungary: attitudes and practices. Based on a population survey from the summer of 2022 the presentation draws an ambivalent picture of Hungarian civil society in the context of the war against Ukraine. First, it highlights the exceptional momentum and mobilizing power of civil solidarity both in terms of practical involvement and expressed attitudes. At the same time, the results also reveal the limits and vulnerabilities of civil solidarity: its exposure to populist political discourses, which cherish or condemn moral economies of assistance according to its vested interests, as well as its embeddedness in a neoliberal reliance on citizens’ individual resources (disposable time and material means), and salient inequalities in sharing the burdens of humanitarian support.