The Institute for Minority Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the European Centre for Minority Issues agree on a Memorandum of Understanding.


Latest news

REGIO Journal Presentation

The Minority Policy Research Group of University of Public Service is organising a professional discussion on the latest issues of our journal REGIO, the past and present objectives of the periodical, and the state of Hungarian minority studies.

The moderator is Iván Gyurcsík, the editorial staff is represented by Attila Z. Papp, Tamás Gusztáv Filep and Nándor Bárdi.

Date: 28 November 2024 (Thursday) 16.00-17.30.

Location: University of Public Service, Central Library (Budapest - 1083, Ludovika tér 2. Main Building, 2nd floor)

European Yearbook of Minority Issues Vol. 21

The latest volume of the European Yearbook of Minority Issues is now published with the contribution of the Institute, and which includes two articles by Balázs Vizi and Balázs Dobos. Their titles are:

Korpics Fanni - Vizi Balázs: The Rights of Minorities in the Fields of Participation, Citizenship, and Transfrontier Exchanges - International Development in 2022

Dobos Balázs: The Parliamentary Representation of Minorities in Hungary: Recent Developments