The Institute for Minority Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the European Centre for Minority Issues agree on a Memorandum of Understanding.


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Issue 2023/3 of REGIO was published

Issue 2023/3 of REGIO was published

The full issue is available on the journal's website.

From the contents:

Attachment relationships in the light of an online survey
The impact of the Covid epidemic: as seen by Hungarian emigrants
Why do they stay? Hungarian workers' perceptions of success in England
Károly Tóth's unsent letter to László Dobos, 1986
The reception of the Ellenpontok among the Hungarian elite in Romania
Street names in the successor states

Attempts of self-determination by the Carpathian Rusyns in the 1860s

Csilla Fedinec's article titled Attempts of self-determination by the Carpathian Rusyns in the 1860s was published in the 2023 English language issue of Forum Social Science Review.

In the 1860s, the Ruthenians also formulated their basic political demands, similar to the other nationalities in Hungary, although in a less visible way as far as “big politics” on international level is concerned. These political demands were much broader than the right to use the language granted in the Act XLIV of 1868 on National Equality. As such, they can be understood as characteristic manifestations of national self-determination. It is useful to organize these elements into a kind of catalog of problems, with the aim of assessing the legal norms that have been implemented on this basis, as opposed to earlier approaches that did not rely on such a comparison.

Issues of language policy and language planning in Transcarpathia

The article by Csilla Fedinec and István Csernicskó entitled Issues of language policy and language planning in Transcarpathia during the first Czechoslovak Republic was published in Ukranian in ACTA ACADEMIAE BEREGSASIENSIS PHILOLOGICA Volume 2023, Issue 2.

Issues of language policy and language planning in Transcarpathia during the first Czechoslovak Republic The concepts of state language, official language, and minority language do not have a generally accepted definition in international law. In Central and Eastern Europe, the state language is usually the language of the majority of the population of a particular country, in which it also serves as the official language. In interwar Czechoslovakia, the 1920 Language Law allowed the use of the language of the Slavic population, which constituted the absolute majority in the territory of Transcarpathia, as the official language in administration, office work, culture and education, granting the region's Slavs a greater degree of political, cultural and linguistic autonomy than they had ever enjoyed. But this linguistic freedom also brought practical problems to the surface. First of all, during this period there were three standard versions of the language adopted as the official language of the region. This article analyses the attitudes of the state and local intellectuals towards these language variants.

Ukraine's Silicon Valley?

Ukraine's Silicon Valley? The number of Hungarians is falling in Transcarpathia, but the economy has been boosted by the war.

What impact has the Russian invasion of Ukraine had on Transcarpathia, the Hungarian community in Transcarpathia, and minority-majority relations in the region?

Csilla Fedinec's article (in Hungarian) can be read on

Amendments to the Law on Education, Minorities and Language in Ukraine

What does the legislative amendment package mean, with which Ukraine would convince the Hungarian government that it has a place in the EU?

What exactly are the Ukrainian education, minority and language laws? What was passed by the Ukrainian Parliament on Friday this week and how will it affect Hungarian language education in Transcarpathia? Has Ukraine met Hungarian expectations and can it move closer to the EU?

Csilla Fedinec's article (in Hungarian) can be read on