Lili Jacob's Homeland

A new article by Csilla Fedinec was published.

Fedinec Csilla: Jacob Lili hazája. HURBÁN 2024/2 pp. 46-60. 

As Oren Baruch Stier puts it, Holocaust icons distill historical events and memories into easily understood symbols. Such icons are Anne Frank or Lili Jacob (Lili Meier). Lili Jacob was transported from the Berehovo ghetto to Birkenau and, during the SS evacuation, to the Dora Mittelbau camp, where she found the photo album of her extended family, the Jews of Bilke. The world-famous Auschwitz Album was first published as a book in New York in 1981. In this research I use contemporary press publications, archival documents and family papers in private collections to present the main characteristics of the Jewish population of Transcarpathia in historical perspective, the immediate consequences of the territorial revision and, based on this, the ghetto period in the region.