The Institute for Minority Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the European Centre for Minority Issues agree on a Memorandum of Understanding.


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The Hungarian-Ukrainian Borderlands: Ethnopolitical, Linguistic, and Religious Criteria of Self-identification of the People: a Monograph

The Hungarian-Ukrainian Borderlands: Ethnopolitical, Linguistic, and Religious Criteria of Self-identification of the People: a Monograph

Угорсько-українське пограниччя: етнополітичні, мовні та релігійні критерії самоідентифікації населення: монографія / The Hungarian-Ukrainian Borderlands: Ethnopolitical, Linguistic, and Religious Criteria of Self-identifi cation of the People: a Monograph / [resp. ed. Ivan Pater; Comps.: Oleh Muravskyi, Mykhailo Romaniuk]; NAS of Ukraine, I. Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies. Lviv, 2020 [2021]. 348 p. The collective monograph is available at HERE.

Precarious Archives, Precarious Voices. Expanding Jewish Narratives from the Margins

Viktória Bányai - together with Rita Horváth - will attend the workshop "Precarious Archives, Precarious Voices. Expanding Jewish Narratives from the Margins" organized by the Wiener Wiesenthal Institut für Holocaust Studien on 18-19 November. The title of their presentation is: Testimonial Drawings as Schoolwork in the Immediate Aftermath of the Holocaust Testimonial Drawings as Schoolwork in the Immediate Aftermath of the Holocaust. Facebook event.

The Consolidation of Authoritarian Rule in Rural Hungary: Workfare and the Shift from Punitive Populist to Illiberal Paternalist Poverty Governance

The new open access article by Kristóf Szombati was published online in Europe-Asia Studies and is available at HERE. The essay analyses the consolidation of authoritarian rule in Hungary by focusing on the ruling party's workfare programme, which has become a cornerstone of rural poverty governance. While most scholars treat workfare as a disciplinary-cum-punitive apparatus seeking to both stigmatise and activate surplus populations, I interpret the Hungarian workfare programme as a strategy of reincorporation pursued by the hegemonic ruling party with the aim of taming the angry politics born out of the dislocations caused by neoliberal restructuring. It is argued, on the basis of my own ethnographic research and the secondary literature, that workfare consolidated naturalized rural hierarchies by tying surplus populations into clientelistic relations with local mayors. The attractiveness of clientelism for impoverished and marginalized surplus populations resides in the mixing of subjectivation and discipline with the guarantee of (a modicum of) social security and the prospect of social membership.